ENDAST FÖRHANDSBESTÄLLNING! Fight! – A Practical Guide To The Treatment Of Dog-Dog Aggression

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Från den prisbelönta författaren av The Culture Clash and Mine!

En manual för hur du arbetar med beteendemodifiering för att träna om en hund som inte är så förtjust i andra hundar.



Författare:Jean Donaldson

Publ, år:2004

ISBN: 978097056296

Språk: Engelska


An indispensable resource for harried dog owners!
This down-to-earth manual will teach you how to use behavior modification to retrain a dog that bullies other dogs, or becomes fearful when approached by other dogs. From the award winning author of The Culture Clash and Mine! A Practical Guide to Resource Guarding in Dogs.

You will learn:
Common types of aggression
Assessing prognosis
Remedial socialization
On-leash manners training
Proximity sensitivity
Play style and skills
Resource guarding

What dog trainers are saying about Jean Donaldson’s Fight!
Once you pick up this book, you won’t be able to put it down. Jean Donaldson has put together a long overdue book brimming with pertinent information about a cluster of complex behavioral problems that have perplexed dog trainers for years.
Pia Silvani, CPDT, Director of training and Behavior at St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center, author of Feisty Fidos

Author Jean Donaldson has over 30 years experience in dog behavior and training. As the Founder and Director of the San Francisco SPCA Academy for Dog Trainers, Jean leads a new generation of dog trainers to better understanding of the research and science of canine behavior. Jean’s award winning book, The Culture Clash, is a pivotal book in the dog trainer’s library because it called into question many sacred assumptions about the origins of behavior and behavior problems. Jean lives in the San Francisco area with her Chow Chow, Buffy.


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